BHL-Europe launches the Biodiversity Library Exhibition!

You think the content featured in the Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe is just for scientists? Well, think again. The brand new Biodiversity Library Exhibition provides a virtual tour of literature illustrations that anyone can enjoy.

Each virtual exhibition focuses on a specific topic and its representation in old biodiversity literature. The first exhibition, for instance, focuses on spices and their corresponding literature in the BHL for Europe. Over 52 cards of spices are featured, each with their own illustrations, story and fun trivia. And for all you chefs out there, the BLE even contains useful recipes to try at home!

Or are you more interested in the extraordinary stories behind some of the most spectacular expeditions ever organized? Then the second exhibition, which focuses on historical expeditions, is something for you! By means of trivia, summaries, diaries, and of course illustrations, the BLE makes these splendid stories accessible to the greater public. The voyage of the Beagle, the exploration of North and South-America, or even the conquest of Mexico … they’re just a few examples of what the expedition BLE has to offer.

A central feature of each exhibition is the “Find me in books”-application. A simple click will direct you to the BHL-Europe, and the literature featuring the spice, expedition or illustration of your interest. If you can’t wait to visit the Biodiversity Library Exhibition, just take a look at

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